Human Rights and Animal Rights

Experimental research involving humans or animals should have been approved by the author's institutional review board or ethics committee. This information should be mentioned in the manuscript including the name of the board/committee that gave the approval. Investigations involving humans will have been performed in accordance with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki.

Link for Declaration of Helsinki

For Research Involving Human Subjects

Informed consent from each patient or participant should be obtained. Patient or participant's identities and privacy must be fully protected in the manuscript. Please follow the guidelines from ICMJE on the Protection of Research Participants. The information on whether informed consent has been obtained should be written in the manuscript, either in the Methods section, Acknowledgement, or in a separate section. If informed consent was obtained orally only or not obtained, the authors must clearly explain the reasons with a statement in the manuscript and this should have been approved by the author's institutional review board or ethics committee.

Link for Protection of Research Participants