Gut microbiome, Psychobiotics, Depression, Gut Brain axisAbstract
The gut microbiota is a diverse multitude of bacteria, fungi, protozoa and viruses. The gut- brain axis forms a bilateral pathway between the intestinal microbiome and CNS, its collaborative action having both direct and indirect effect in the body. Intestinal dysbiosis is linked to elevated stress, anxiety and depression which alter the normal functioning. The current paradigm focuses on the effect of probiotics on the neurological disorder and how commensal bacteria can reverse action and alleviate depressive symptoms.Various preclinical and clinical studies have shown evidences suggesting the administration of certain probiotic strains have therapeutic effect in cognitive and behavioural disorders. This article reviews on themutualistic association between the gut- brain axis,impact ofgut microbiota in neurologic disorders and the psychotropic effect of probiotics in depressive patients.
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