Pharmacognostical and Phytochemical Investigation of Artemisia nilagirica (Clarke)


  • Pradeep Pal Mahakal Institute of Pharamaceutical Studies, Ujjain (M.P.) 456664 2IFTM University, Muradabad (U.P.)
  • Kamlendra Mishra Mahakal Institute of Pharamaceutical Studies, Ujjain (M.P.) 456664 2IFTM University, Muradabad (U.P.)
  • A.K. Ghosh Mahakal Institute of Pharamaceutical Studies, Ujjain (M.P.) 456664 2IFTM University, Muradabad (U.P.)


Artemisia nilagirica (clarke), Microscopy, Phytochemical analysis


Artemisia nilagirica (Clarke) is an aromatic, small shrub belonging to the family Asteraceae. Leaves and flowering top of
this plant reported to have anti-leishmanial activity and also use in traditional medicine as an antimalarial, nerve tonic and
anticancer agent. Microscopic and physicochemical analysis of powdered sample of leaf of Artemisia nilagirica (Clarke)
was studied for its morphological, microscopic, organoleptic characters and various other WHO recommended methods for
standardization. Phytochemical study revealed the presence of various constituents such as alkaloids, amino acids,
carbohydrates, flavonoids, glycosides, terpenoids, steroids, saponins, essential oils, tannins and phenol in various extracts.
The data obtained through these pharmacognostic and phytochemical characterization would be helpful in authentication of
raw material or crude drug of Artemisia nilagirica (clarke) leaves found in nilgiris district of Tamil Nadu.


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How to Cite

Pradeep Pal, Kamlendra Mishra, and A.K. Ghosh. “Pharmacognostical and Phytochemical Investigation of Artemisia Nilagirica (Clarke)”. International Journal of Pharmaceutics and Drug Analysis, vol. 2, no. 11, Nov. 2014, pp. 874-82,



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